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DRC Civil Society experts trained to be equipped on facilitation and monitoring of social clause agreements

WWF-DRC trained the Civil Society experts in tend ay workshop. This workshop was the third training session.

With the financial support of the Norwegian Cooperation, NORAD, WWF-RDC organized, from 31 July to 9 August in the suburbs Kinkole, the 3rd edition of the training workshop for experts from the civil society on the facilitation and monitoring of social clauses agreements.

Planned for 23 participants from the environmental civil society organizations, the 10-day workshop organized by WWF-DRC on the Ayongo tourist site in Kinshasa-Kinkole aimed to strengthen the capacity of CSOs to negotiate and monitor the implementation of agreements of social clauses. It was also about sharing  the methodological approach of negotiation in accordance with the new regulation as stated in the ministerial decree n ° 072/2018 of November 12, 2018 detailing the model of agreement constituting the social clause of the specifications of the contract of forest concession; presenting the negotiation methodology according to the new regulation in negotiation and the follow-up of the implementation of social clause agreements; equipping CSOs with independent observation techniques and geographic data collection of locations and different socio-economic achievements; setting up a core group of CSOs able to conduct negotiations, drafting amendments to agreements and clauses, and monitoring their implementation, etc.

While closing this meeting, Mr Claude Mola, Head of Office at Direction Générale Forêts (DGFor), welcomed the engagement of civil society in the process of negotiation and monitoring the implementation of social clauses agreements. He also welcomed WWF-DRC initiatives in support and capacity building work provided to civil society organizations, logging companies and local communities.
Mr. Dandy Yela, WWF-DRC Communication Manager and Representative of WWF Country Director, expressed confidence that at the end of this training session, CSOs are now better equipped to conduct their field mission in a professional manner.  In the ten day-workshop, participants were trained to independent observation techniques and the use of GPS; this allows them to better understand how to collect geographic data from projects implementation sites and different socio-economic achievements.

At the end of this workshop, Dandy Yela judges the participants able to lead negotiations, to write amendments to agreements and of course social clauses. And he expressed his wish to see CSOs members make good use of acquired knowledge and especially to implement in their respective organizations through sessions of restitution.
Jean-Marie Bolika, Forest Governance Project Coordinator at WWF-RDC, said that unlike the first 2 training sessions, the 3rd edition had the advantge of deleivering to participants a set of materials that, he believes, will ensure that the follow-up on social clauses agreements will be done, this time, professionally. For, he stated, during the workshops, intense work was done on the use of data collection tools, development of the monitoring sheet and use of Smartphone technology and GPS. This session also highlighted the problem of facilitating and monitoring the implementation of social clause agreements in terms of training deficit. Thus, Mr Bolika is hopeful that with time devoted to practice during this workshop, the 23 actors of the Civil Society now become fit and sufficiently equipped to carry out their mission.

As a reminder, the workshop sessions trained participants on, among other modules, "facilitation and negotiations of social clauses agreements"; “monitoring of these agreements", “prevention and management of conflicts related to the exploitation of forest concessions"; " data collection tools and  funds management procedure".

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