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Visit of WWF Country Director to Luki

During a visit to Luki, WWF-DRC Country Director could observe the strength of the activities maintained in both phases of the project.

The Luki project received a visit from Juan Sève, WWF-DRC Interim Country Director, between August 12th and 20th, during which he saw the satisfactory progress of this project launched last March.

The Project for Building Resilience of Local Communities to Climate Change in Luki is in a sense a continuation of activities that WWF implemented in the region around Boma between 2007 and 2016.

There was almost no hiatus between the previous phase of the project and the current phase launched in 2019 and implemented by WWF and ERAIFT (Regional postgraduate school of integrated planning and management of forests and tropical territories) with the financial support of the European Union.

Women producers of chikwangue – a form of processed cassava – a remarkable success from the previous phase that Juan Sève visited took the opportunity to present him with the Schumann prize for the "Promotion of Local Competence and Innovation" awarded by the European Union that they received in 2019.

The Country Director visited various activity sites, such as agricultural processing units and regenerated forests, through the protection of savannas, new protected savannahs sites and very active pilot farmers. He appreciated the dynamism of the activities which continued satisfactorily after the departure of WWF in 2016.

Juan Sève made several recommendations to the communities visited, particularly on the importance of savanna protection and the maintenance of firewalls and the need for beneficiaries to master the techniques, management and marketing, three essential elements to fight poverty.

Juan Sève highlighted the leading role that communities must play: "community decisions must come before our decisions and if we happen to be at odds, we should behave as if the communities' decision was ours".

Juan Sève, who is due to leave his post in early September, was visiting Kongo central province for the first time.

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